Honors Physics and Honors Anatomy Class Blog

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Human Body Organization. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the anatomic and physiological basis of life and the ability to explain the interdependence of structure and function in biological systems. The student is expected to:
Human Body Organization. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the anatomic and physiological basis of life and the ability to explain the interdependence of structure and function in biological systems. The student is expected to:
(A)distinguish between the six levels of structural organization in the human body and explain their interdependence, including chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, system, and organism;
(B)identify and use appropriate directional terminology when referring to the human body, including directional terms, planes, body cavities, and body quadrants;
(C)list and describe the major characteristics of living organisms, including response to stimuli, growth and development, homeostasis, cellular composition, metabolism, reproduction, and the ability to adapt to the environment;
(D)research and describe negative and positive feedback loops as they apply to homeostasis; and.
(E)research and identify the effects of the failure to maintain homeostasis as it relates to common diseases in each of the body systems

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